Spring is here, which means it’s time to clear out the clutter from your home, basement or garage!
There are nearly 50 neighborhood cleanup events scheduled throughout Portland during the spring months. Volunteers from neighborhood associations coordinate these events and have been offering more options for reuse and swapping at the events every year. Last year, 33 neighborhood cleanups incorporated onsite reuse options, allowing neighbors to take, swap or buy items immediately.
Now in its sixth year, Trash to Treasure in North Portland is Portland’s largest swap event and is hosted as part of the St. Johns and Cathedral Park neighborhood cleanup. The daylong event includes over 5,000 items being exchanged between families at no cost.
This year’s Trash to Treasure is on Saturday, April 26, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. at Red Sea Church, 7535 N Chicago Ave. It is open to the public, free of charge and 100 percent volunteer run. Be Resourceful will have a booth at the event so residents can learn more about resourceful living and share community resources.
This video shows how Trash to Treasure comes together and builds community.
The seven Neighborhood Coalitions have listings of the scheduled cleanup events by neighborhood association.
- Central Northeast Neighbors (CNN)
- East Portland Neighborhood Office (EPNO)
- Neighbors West/Northwest (NW/NW)
- North Portland Neighborhood Services (NPNS)
- Northeast Coalition of Neighborhoods (NECN)
- Southeast Uplift Neighborhood Coalition (SEUL)
- Southwest Neighborhoods, Inc. (SWNI)
Find contact information for your neighborhood association from the Office of Neighborhood Involvement or call 503-823-4519. Metro offers resources for planning a community cleanup event. Contact the Bureau of Planning and Sustainability at 503-823-7202 for possible cleanup dates, locations, costs and accepted materials.